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Characterization of two divergent lineages of macaque rhadinoviruses related to Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.

TitleCharacterization of two divergent lineages of macaque rhadinoviruses related to Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsSchultz, ER, Rankin, GW, Blanc, MP, Raden, BW, Tsai, CC, Rose, TM
JournalJ Virol
Date Published2000 May
KeywordsAmino Acid Sequence, Animals, Base Sequence, Cloning, Molecular, DNA-Directed DNA Polymerase, Evolution, Molecular, Gammaherpesvirinae, Herpesvirus 8, Human, Humans, Macaca mulatta, Macaca nemestrina, Molecular Sequence Data, Monkey Diseases, Open Reading Frames, Phylogeny, Retroperitoneal Fibrosis, Sarcoma, Kaposi, Viral Envelope Proteins

We have cloned and characterized the entire DNA polymerase gene and flanking regions from Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and two closely related macaque homologs of KSHV, retroperitoneal fibromatosis-associated herpesvirus-Macaca nemestrina (RFHVMn) and -Macaca mulatta (RFHVMm). We have also identified and partially characterized the corresponding genomic region of another KSHV-like herpesvirus, provisionally named "M. nemestrina rhadinovirus type 2 (MneRV-2)," with close similarity to rhesus rhadinovirus (RRV). A sequence comparison of these four macaque viruses and two KSHV-like gammaherpesviruses recently identified in African green monkeys, Chlorocebus rhadinovirus types 1 and 2 (ChRV-1 and ChRV-2) reveals the presence of two distinct lineages of KSHV-like rhadinoviruses in Old World primates. The first rhadinovirus lineage consists of KSHV and its closely related homologs RFHVMn, RFHVMm, and ChRV-1, while the second more distantly related lineage consists of RRV, MneRV-2, and ChRV-2. Our findings raise the possibility of the existence of another human KSHV-like herpesvirus belonging to the second rhadinovirus lineage.

Alternate JournalJ. Virol.
PubMed ID10775636
PubMed Central IDPMC112020
Grant ListR01-RR13154 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
R55-CA72237-01 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States