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Anaplasma marginale major surface protein 2 CD4+-T-cell epitopes are evenly distributed in conserved and hypervariable regions (HVR), whereas linear B-cell epitopes are predominantly located in the HVR.

TitleAnaplasma marginale major surface protein 2 CD4+-T-cell epitopes are evenly distributed in conserved and hypervariable regions (HVR), whereas linear B-cell epitopes are predominantly located in the HVR.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsAbbott, JR, Palmer, GH, Howard, CJ, Hope, JC, Brown, WC
JournalInfect Immun
Date Published2004 Dec
KeywordsAnaplasma marginale, Animals, Antibodies, Bacterial, Antigens, Bacterial, Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins, Cattle, CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes, Epitopes, B-Lymphocyte, Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte, Immunoglobulin G, Interferon-gamma

Organisms in the genus Anaplasma express an immunodominant major surface protein 2 (MSP2), composed of a central hypervariable region (HVR) flanked by highly conserved regions. Throughout Anaplasma marginale infection, recombination results in the sequential appearance of novel MSP2 variants and subsequent control of rickettsemia by the immune response, leading to persistent infection. To determine whether immune evasion and selection for variant organisms is associated with a predominant response against HVR epitopes, T-cell and linear B-cell epitopes were localized by measuring peripheral blood gamma interferon-secreting cells, proliferation, and antibody binding to 27 overlapping peptides spanning MSP2 in 16 cattle. Similar numbers of MSP2-specific CD4(+) T-cell epitopes eliciting responses of similar magnitude were found in conserved and hypervariable regions. T-cell epitope clusters recognized by the majority of animals were identified in the HVR (amino acids [aa] 171 to 229) and conserved regions (aa 101 to 170 and 272 to 361). In contrast, linear B-cell epitopes were concentrated in the HVR, residing within hydrophilic sequences. The pattern of recognition of epitope clusters by T cells and of HVR epitopes by B cells is consistent with the influence of protein structure on epitope recognition.

Alternate JournalInfect. Immun.
PubMed ID15557669
PubMed Central IDPMC529150
Grant ListAI 44005 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
AI 49276 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States