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Use of carbenicillin in two species of tortoise (Testudo graeca and T hermanni).

TitleUse of carbenicillin in two species of tortoise (Testudo graeca and T hermanni).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsLawrence, K, Palmer, GH, Needham, JR
JournalRes Vet Sci
Date Published1986 May
KeywordsAnimals, Carbenicillin, Rhinitis, Turtles, Urinary Bladder

A preliminary investigation of the blood levels of carbenicillin, after the administration of a single intramuscular injection, suggests that the tortoise's bladder may act as a reservoir of antibiotic that is available for resorption. This phenomenon could confound the establishment of a safe, effective dose regime for antibiotics, in tortoises, which are excreted in an unchanged active form in urine.

Alternate JournalRes. Vet. Sci.
PubMed ID3738240