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Sequence and functional analysis of the intergenic regions separating babesial rhoptry-associated protein-1 (rap-1) genes.

TitleSequence and functional analysis of the intergenic regions separating babesial rhoptry-associated protein-1 (rap-1) genes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsSuarez, CE, Palmer, GH, Hötzel, I, Hines, SA, McElwain, TF
JournalExp Parasitol
Date Published1998 Oct
KeywordsAnimals, Babesia, Babesia bovis, Base Sequence, Consensus Sequence, Conserved Sequence, Gene Expression Regulation, Genes, Protozoan, Molecular Sequence Data, Multigene Family, Promoter Regions, Genetic, Protozoan Proteins, RNA, Messenger, Transcription, Genetic

The rhoptry-associated protein 1 (RAP-1) expressed by all babesial parasites is encoded by tandemly arranged genes separated by discrete intergenic (IG) regions. We hypothesize that these IG regions regulate rap-1 gene expression. In Babesia bovis two identical rap-1 gene copies are separated by a 1.0-kb noncoding region which is also exactly conserved 5' to the rap-1 gene 1. In contrast, the complex B. bigemina rap-1 locus contains at least 5 polymorphic rap-1a genes separated by uncharacterized 3.38-kb regions. A genomic clone encoding the 3' sequence of rap-1 gene copy 1, the 1 kb IG region, and the 5' sequence of gene copy 2 was obtained by PCR amplification of DNA from the Mo7 biological clone of B. bovis and sequenced. This was follow by amplification and sequence analysis of the 3.38-kb region separating two B. bigemina rap-1a genes, revealing the presence of two different IG regions denominated IG-1 (0.7 kb) and IG-2 (1.3 kb), flanking a newly identified rap-1b orf. Sequence analysis and comparison among babesial rap-1 IG regions from B. bovis, B. bigemina, B. canis, and B. ovis revealed conservation of at least three putative regulatory boxes consistently positioned 5' of the start of the rap-1 orfs. To determine whether rap-1 IG regions contained a functional promoter, the entire 1-kb IG region from B. bovis was cloned into pCAT, a promoterless plasmid containing the cat gene. The IG region in the 5' --> 3' orientation strongly promoted transcription in vitro by homologous B. bovis RNA polymerases. The presence of conserved regions 5' to each rap-1 gene copy and among other babesial rap-1 IG regions and the in vitro promoter function in the 5' --> 3' orientation support a role for the IG region in rap-1 gene regulation.

Alternate JournalExp. Parasitol.
PubMed ID9769249