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Quantitative characterization of the CD5 bearing lymphocyte population in the peripheral blood of normal sheep.

TitleQuantitative characterization of the CD5 bearing lymphocyte population in the peripheral blood of normal sheep.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsBirkebak, TA, Palmer, GH, Davis, WC, McElwain, TF
JournalVet Immunol Immunopathol
Date Published1994 May
KeywordsAnimals, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antigens, CD, Antigens, CD2, Antigens, CD5, Antigens, Differentiation, T-Lymphocyte, Female, Flow Cytometry, Immunoglobulin M, Leukocyte Count, Lymphocytes, Receptors, Immunologic, Sheep

Quantitative characterization of the circulating CD5+ lymphocyte population in sheep was performed using monoclonal antibodies against ovine CD5, ovine CD2, and ovine sIgM. A total of fifteen sheep were examined biweekly over a period of 2.5 months. The total CD5+ population was measured using single color flow cytometry, while CD5+ cells co-expressing sIgM or CD2 were determined by two color flow cytometric analysis. The total CD5+ cell population comprised 31.5-65.4% of gated lymphocytes with a mean value of 44.9%. Absolute CD5+ cell numbers varied from 1075 to 8007 cells mm-3, with a mean value of 3149 cells mm-3. The mean proportion of CD5+ B-cells was 4.0%, with a mean absolute value of 270 cells mm-3. The mean proportion of CD5+/CD2+ cells was 12.1% while that of CD5+/CD2- cells was 28.6%, corresponding to mean absolute values of 727 and 1794 cells mm-3 respectively. Significant variation in CD5+ lymphocyte numbers in all individual animals occurred over the time span of the study. The results of this study provide a baseline from which to accurately assess CD5+ cell populations in neoplastic and infectious diseases.

Alternate JournalVet. Immunol. Immunopathol.
PubMed ID7520646
Grant List2T32 AI 07025 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States