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A Novel DNA Vaccine Technology Conveying Protection against a Lethal Herpes Simplex Viral Challenge in Mice.

TitleA Novel DNA Vaccine Technology Conveying Protection against a Lethal Herpes Simplex Viral Challenge in Mice.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsDutton, JL, Li, B, Woo, W-P, Marshak, JO, Xu, Y, Huang, M-L, Dong, L, Frazer, IH, Koelle, DM
JournalPLoS One
Date Published2013

While there are a number of licensed veterinary DNA vaccines, to date, none have been licensed for use in humans. Here, we demonstrate that a novel technology designed to enhance the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines protects against lethal herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) challenge in a murine model. Polynucleotides were modified by use of a codon optimization algorithm designed to enhance immune responses, and the addition of an ubiquitin-encoding sequence to target the antigen to the proteasome for processing and to enhance cytotoxic T cell responses. We show that a mixture of these codon-optimized ubiquitinated and non-ubiquitinated constructs encoding the same viral envelope protein, glycoprotein D, induced both B and T cell responses, and could protect against lethal viral challenge and reduce ganglionic latency. The optimized vaccines, subcloned into a vector suitable for use in humans, also provided a high level of protection against the establishment of ganglionic latency, an important correlate of HSV reactivation and candidate endpoint for vaccines to proceed to clinical trials.

Alternate JournalPLoS ONE
PubMed ID24098493