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Neutrophils exert protection in the early tuberculous granuloma by oxidative killing of mycobacteria phagocytosed from infected macrophages.

TitleNeutrophils exert protection in the early tuberculous granuloma by oxidative killing of mycobacteria phagocytosed from infected macrophages.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsYang, C-T, Cambier, CJ, J Davis, M, Hall, CJ, Crosier, PS, Ramakrishnan, L
JournalCell Host Microbe
Date Published2012 Sep 13
KeywordsAnimals, Granuloma, Humans, Macrophages, Microbial Viability, Molecular Sequence Data, Mycobacterium marinum, NADP, Neutrophils, Oxidation-Reduction, Oxidative Stress, Oxidoreductases, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Zebrafish

Neutrophils are typically the first responders in host defense against invading pathogens, which they destroy by both oxidative and nonoxidative mechanisms. However, despite a longstanding recognition of neutrophil presence at disease sites in tuberculosis, their role in defense against mycobacteria is unclear. Here we exploit the genetic tractability and optical transparency of zebrafish to monitor neutrophil behavior and its consequences during infection with Mycobacterium marinum, a natural fish pathogen. In contrast to macrophages, neutrophils do not interact with mycobacteria at initial infection sites. Neutrophils are subsequently recruited to the nascent granuloma in response to signals from dying infected macrophages within the granuloma, which they phagocytose. Some neutrophils then rapidly kill the internalized mycobacteria through NADPH oxidase-dependent mechanisms. Our results provide a mechanistic link to the observed patterns of neutrophils in human tuberculous granulomas and the susceptibility of humans with chronic granulomatous disease to mycobacterial infection.

Alternate JournalCell Host Microbe
PubMed ID22980327
PubMed Central IDPMC3638950
Grant ListDP1 MH099901 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
R01 A136396 / / PHS HHS / United States
R01 A154503 / / PHS HHS / United States
R37 AI054503 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States