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NADPH oxidase restrains the matrix metalloproteinase activity of macrophages.

TitleNADPH oxidase restrains the matrix metalloproteinase activity of macrophages.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsKassim, SY, Fu, X, W Liles, C, Shapiro, SD, Parks, WC, Heinecke, JW
JournalJ Biol Chem
Date Published2005 Aug 26
KeywordsAnimals, Catalysis, Crosses, Genetic, Cytokines, Emphysema, Humans, Hydrogen Peroxide, Inflammation, Macrophages, Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Matrix Metalloproteinases, Membrane Glycoproteins, Metalloendopeptidases, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mice, Transgenic, NADPH Oxidase, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Oxygen, Phagocytes, Phagocytosis, Time Factors

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) regulate numerous functions in normal and disease processes; thus, irreversibly blocking their activity is a key step in regulating MMP catalysis. We previously showed in vitro that oxidizing intermediates generated by phagocytes inactivate MMPs by modifying specific amino acids. To assess whether this mechanism operates in vivo, we focused on MMP-12, a macrophage-specific MMP known to mediate emphysema in mouse models. We found that mice lacking gp91(phox), a phagocyte-specific component of the NADPH oxidase, developed extensive, spontaneous emphysematous destruction of their peripheral air spaces, whereas mice deficient in both NADPH oxidase and MMP-12 were protected from spontaneous emphysema. Although gp91(phox)-null and wild-type macrophages produced equivalent levels of MMP-12 protein, the oxidant-deficient cells had greater MMP-12 activity than wild-type macrophages. These findings indicate that reactive intermediates provide a physiological mechanism to protect tissues from excessive macrophage-mediated damage during inflammation.

Alternate JournalJ. Biol. Chem.
PubMed ID15983040