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Functional characterization of rat chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2.

TitleFunctional characterization of rat chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsFrevert, CW, Farone, A, Danaee, H, Paulauskis, JD, Kobzik, L
Date Published1995 Feb
KeywordsAnimals, Base Sequence, Cell Adhesion Molecules, Cell Movement, Cells, Cultured, Chemokine CXCL2, Chemotactic Factors, Cytokines, Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel, L-Selectin, Macrophage-1 Antigen, Membrane Glycoproteins, Molecular Sequence Data, Monokines, Neutrophils, Oligonucleotide Probes, Rats, Respiratory Burst

Expression of mRNA for the C-X-C chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), is induced during acute inflammation in rat models of disease. We have characterized the phlogistic potential of rat recombinant MIP-2 (rMIP-2) protein in vitro and in vivo. Recombinant MIP-2 caused marked PMN chemotaxis in vitro, with peak chemotactic activity at 10 nM. Incubation of whole blood with rMIP-2 caused a significant loss of L-selectin and a significant increase in Mac-1 expression on the PMN surface. Under similar conditions rMIP-2 also caused a modest respiratory burst in PMNs. The intratracheal instillation of 10 and 50 micrograms of rMIP-2 caused a significant influx of PMNs into the airspace of the lungs. Rat MIP-2 is a potent neutrophil chemotactic factor capable of causing neutrophil activation and is likely to function in PMN recruitment during acute inflammation in rat disease models.

Alternate JournalInflammation
PubMed ID7535749
Grant ListES 00002 / ES / NIEHS NIH HHS / United States
HL02374 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
HL19170 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States