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Correlation of certain biochemical changes with dosha-dushya intolvement in some vishamajwaras (p.vivax malaria) and its therapeutic utility.

TitleCorrelation of certain biochemical changes with dosha-dushya intolvement in some vishamajwaras (p.vivax malaria) and its therapeutic utility.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsVenkatraghavan, S, Seshadri, C, Shetty, BR, Gowri, N
JournalAnc Sci Life
Date Published1989 Jan

In this paper 180 cases of Anyedyushka and Thriteeyaka Vishamajwaras (P.vivax malaria) were studied for various biochemical changes before and after treatment and these changes were correlated with dosha-dushya involvement in these conditions. Their diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic utility has also been discussed here.

Alternate JournalAnc Sci Life
PubMed ID22557650
PubMed Central IDPMC3336729