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Candida dubliniensis fungemia in a solid organ transplant patient: case report and review of the literature.

TitleCandida dubliniensis fungemia in a solid organ transplant patient: case report and review of the literature.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsGottlieb, GS, Limaye, AP, Chen, YC, Van Voorhis, WC
JournalMed Mycol
Date Published2001 Dec
KeywordsCandida, Female, Fungemia, Humans, Liver Transplantation, Middle Aged

We report a case of Candida dubliniensis fungemia in a solid organ transplant patient, which, to our knowledge is the first such case in this patient population. C. dubliniensis is a recently described, emerging fungal pathogen, thus far, found in AIDS and a limited number of other immunosuppressed patients. It is of interest and concern because it can be misidentified as C. albicans and it may be resistant to azole antifungal agents. This case illustrates the need to be aware of emerging pathogens in new host populations and that new techniques used to identify yeast species may provide more accurate identification.

Alternate JournalMed. Mycol.
PubMed ID11798053